Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
There’s a documentary about the 8th Air Force on cable (I think it’s HBO). It’s called The Cold Blue. Did anyone know that more airmen died than Marines? Of the 12,000 bomber crews, about 5,000 were shot down over Europe. Each B-17 held about 10 crew members. It never got above -20° and usually ran -60°. Frostbite took 10 minutes. It was like climbing Everest. Once a bomber started to spin your were doomed. Centrifugal force pinned you against the fuselage as you spun 6 miles to your death.

That is the price we paid for fighting fascists, which are whining about losing their spot on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Get with it people: you’re following a pied piper of the worst kind.

All the best,
I haven't read through this whole thread but from what I have read, there are some who believe that if you just buy American made you're not impacted. I'm in Australia and some American companies have increased their prices here because their parts come from China and that pushes up the cost. 

Someone else here wrote that the tariffs are paid for by the Chinese, not Americans. That's completely wrong. The customer pays. It's a tax on Americans. The idea is that Americans will prefer to buy American goods instead of Chinese if Chines products are more expensive but that doesn't work because so much doesn't even get manufactured in America anymore. China is the only supplier of so many goods, there's no getting away from buying Chinese made. 
When are people going to confront the fact that the POTUS does not know what he is doing??? He is like a wrecking ball in fully functional country. BTW yes pimbo you are correct! China is a very huge manufacturing country and that alone is going to drive up prices on American goods.
Get with it people: you’re following a pied piper of the worst kind.

No idea who you’re talking to--maybe yourself--but you type tens of thousands of words which ultimately reduce to "whoever I disagree with is obviously a Nazi and should not be allowed a voice."

A major appeal of an audio site is that we’re spared this kind of smug, intolerant cant. Well, at least we’re normally spared the political variety. You and a few others here need to go to political sites to share your bloviating.

Tarriffs are always a tax on your own people.  (Not a problem if you are a person who never pays their fair share)  You and I will pay more for products that are artificially price inflated.  Total rejection of capitalistic principles based on supply and demand and 'market freedom'.  And even the most American products are full of Asian parts.  And if you want a nice tube amplifier you will of course depend on Russian vacuum tubes.