Best Headphone under 1k$?

I had enjoyed using SoundMAGIC E11C while out of town for 3 weeks on May.

But I also got HIFIMAN SUNDARA from Amazon 10 days ago to compare it with SoundMAGIC E11C .

Although I will keep SoundMAGIC E11C for travel, I enjoy the sound from HIFIMAN SUNDARA much better.
It sound open and balanced.
I use Chord Dave to drive it.

Now my question is whether there is any headphone under 1k$ which will sound significantly better than HIFIMAN SUNDARA.
I wish to get transparent and open sound out of it with just enough tight bass.
Of course, if it provides wide and deep soundstage, it will be better.
I do not wish to get bright sound.

Can anyone recommend best headphone under 1K$?
thanks in advance
Slow Sunday!

No response from gentleman.

Although I have 41 years of high end audio experience, I am newbie to headphone.
I appreciate your post but I stopped at the Sennheiser HD600 and have concentrated more on amplifiers. Sorry I have nothing more to add. You will find a multitude of opinions on Head-Fi forums and InnerFidelity. Good luck. 
@ tgrisham 

Thanks for your kind word

I am also getting information from other sites you mentioned.
After reading rave review on HIFIMAN RE800 Silver with good price, I placed an order and will compare it with Sundara.

If I do not find much improvement of HIFIMAN RE800 Silver over Sundara, then I will try Beyerdynamic T1 Gen 2 .

Thanks for posting. I just ordered the HIFIMAN 600S V2 with single crystal copper cable from Amazon for $99 free shipping.