It is balanced or not?

Hello everyone, I am new to this page, I thank the Audiogon team for allowing me to be here with you, I have a question: I have the preamp and DAC: "Emotiva Differential Reference XDA-1" it has the following digital inputs: "S/PDIF (optical and coaxial) and AES/EBU (XLR)", the XDA-1 has balanced outputs for an speakers amplifier, inside it has the amplifier: "Texas Instruments Burr Brown OPA2134" and I want to know if it really works balanced; the XDA-1 has the DAC: "Analog Devices AD1955" inside. thanks
@joser9616  There is an easy way to tell if you have a DVM (Digital Volt Meter). If you don't the best way to find out is to talk the manufacturer.
I just is differentially balanced according to their site...(but are your amps)
Than you very much to all!!!!! thank you than you :-) yes stringreen, the Crown D-75 and Crown D-75A are balanced, they are studio amplifiers(pro) oh ok gdnrbob.