Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?

I'm preparing to replace my SS preamp with a tube unit and have read with great interest many threads on this board. This is where I learned about Don Sachs model 2 preamps. They sound like what I'm looking for and those who own them consistently express their satisfaction with them.

Now I've just been reading and learning about the Supratek lineup. Wow. These also sound like fantastic works of art. Leaving me with a new question about which way to go. 

Thoughts? Advice? Experience? Anyone care to share?
We well I need to chime in on this thread and it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything on any audio site. I’ve owned a Supratek Syrah preamp for many years. I had one problem with the power button early on and contacted Mick.  He quickly sent me another switch free of charge and I bought this preamp used. Excellent customer service. I have not heard Don Sach preamps, I bet they’re excellent. I can only speak for my Supratek which is probably going to be the last preamp I own.  I tried many other preamps prior to the Supratek. I owned a Modwright SWL 9.0 preamp before this and kept it to directly compare. The Modwright had excellent detail extension and dynamics, but it was a little too clinical for me.
The Supratek had all the detail extension and dynamic, plus it was bigger sounding, and natural. It doesn’t analyze. It just makes music and flows with emotion. I am a professional pianist and know what live music sounds like. I am very critical on the way it should sound.
I still on my original tubes and it’s been over 10 years now I believe.
I don’t think you can go wrong with these preamps. I’d bet if he had a dealer network they’d be three to four times more expensive. True bargain!
quick update,
i'm starting my second week with my new Supratek Cortese with LCR phono stage in my system. i am working on a writeup, but wanted to provide this quick note. this preamp has exceeded all my expectations. i consider myself very blessed and very fortunate indeed. 
Good to hear Mark. Many times I have heard  a decent system transformed into a really great system simply by adding a Supratek preamp.Not in every case due to the x factor which is preamp/power amp synergy but much more often than not .
@markusthenaimnut Great to hear.  Based in part on this conversation, I bought a Don Sachs (still in queue), but I'll certainly consider Supratek if I end up moving on...  please update the thread as you get more time with the unit.