Class A Solid State Sound

Would someone kindly describe the differences in class A sound of Pass XA.8 series, Accuphase A-70/75 series, and Gryphon class A amplifiers. Does much or any of the differences relate to mosfet (Pass and Accuphase) or bipolar (Gryphon)  output devices?  Thank you!

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That's it you need schooling end of story, go here to this Electronic lecture pay for the 8.1MB download, and learn something about BJT complementary pairs vs Mosfet complementary pairs and how BJT's (bi-polar's) can drive into lower impedances with more current output than Mosfets can.
As I've argued all along, (forget the vid it's an add).
This is the last I will recognize you, from now on your invisible.

Cheers George
George is right on this.  Back to the OP’s question reguarging sound.   I’ve had several pass amps over the years , if you like that voicing it’s pretty similiar in all their lineup.   The gryphon ss amps asound more like symphonic line amps or boulder amps.   If you do t have gryphon dealer nearby you might wanna listen to a boulder as they seem to be a little more popular in the USA 
"The gryphon ss amps asound more like symphonic line amps or boulder amps."

That's interesting, I have Symphonic Line Kraft 250 monos and have wondered how Gryphon would compare to them.