Tekton or Klipsch

I've got the upgrade bug and I'm looking for something a bit bigger than my KEF ls50s. Two speakers that really have my attention right now are Tekton Doulbe Impacts and Klipsch Forte III. Is anyone in an position to comment on how these speakers compare? I have never had the opportunity to hear any tektons but I have heard Klipsch heresey IIIs and really enjoyed that experience. 

I loved the live sound of the heresy and I understand that only gets bigger and better with the forte. The overwhelmingly positive reviews for the Tektons definitely caught my attention, especially the way they are said to be able to play any type of music well which is probably my biggest complaint against my KEFs.  I am ultimately looking for a bigger fuller sound that can both keep it classy and rock out. The kefs are classy but they most certainly do not rock.  
A point to consider in going from the LS50 to one of the high sensitivity speakers that have been discussed is that if you are using a digital source (as opposed to or in addition to LPs), the somewhat highish gain of your integrated amp (the gain of the Brio-r from its line-level inputs can be calculated to be about 40 db) might result in having to utilize the volume control at undesirably low settings (where channel balance and/or resolution of volume adjustment may be compromised).

As a rough ballpark approximation in this case figure on the volume control being used at a position that is around 90 degrees of rotation below where you are presently using it. Although less than a 90 degree difference if you are already using the control in the lower part of its range.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Struck out on the fortes. The store I went to didn’t have any of the heritage line. Did listen to some magnepans which were nice but not what I’m looking for. 

What I’m looking for? While I appreciate the detail and nuance of the kefs, Those aren’t necessarily the key attributes for me. I feel like the dynamics of the heresy that I heard made them a much more fun speaker to listen to and as bass player, I definitely pay attention to the low end and would like whatever I get to be able to handle that better than  what I currently have. I do have a rel subwoofer but I would prefer to not have to use it as it is already in use with the home theater system. 

The room is about 13’x 16’ with two openings leading off to the kitchen and front entryway.
There are Double Impact owners with rooms of similar size who've reported successful outcomes. Perhaps some modest room treatment could prove to be effective. Al raised a pertinent point regarding system gain and using higher sensitivity speakers. You do want to avoid a scenario where use of the volume control is limited to a narrow range i.e.you can't go above 9 or 10 o'clock because volume would be too loud.

Both speaker brands will work very well with a good quality tube amplifier,  I believe you'll be quite happy with this direction. 
If it were me I would pair two subwoofers with your Kefs and see what you think then.If you're not happy with that set up send the subs back.If you want to try that,SVS subs are discounted if you buy two.No I'm not a shill,lol!
I'm very happy with my Tekton Monitors + four subs.Nuance + impact.My brother has Klipsch Cornwall lls which(I think)are rated at 101db.They are very dynamic and can play louder than I can stand to listen with no distortion.Nuance is not their forte but they are warm,musical,and so much fun.
Never heard the Tekton DIs. Very popular. I have been a Klipsch " Heritage " fan boy for 50 years. I can hear, through Klipsch, differences in fuses, so I feel they have detail and convey nuance. Kefs with a pair of subs will not give you the dynamics of either the Klipsch or the Tekton, so if you are looking for that jump factor, that is not the Kef's forte ( no pun intended ). I own several pair of Klipsch models ( all Heritage, which now includes the Fortes as a Heritage model ). My mains are a pair of Lascala, with upgrades, modifications and tweaks, which are just fabulous to me, and play everything extremely well. I do have a pair of subwoofers for the last octave, and I run the Lascalas full range, as I prefer them that way, and this is with any of my amplifiers. It is important to note, that everybody here, making recommendations, are in a way, correct, as it is easy to recommend what " is liked " by that individual. Ordering the DI, it is likely you will like them, but if for any reason they do not work for you, you will be out only the return shipping charge back to Tekton, which in this industry, is very reasonable. They must be sent back, as new, without fingerprints, properly packaged, or else, you will be hit with a surcharge, and this is from folks I know who have sent them back ( just a few ). As far as horns, you either love them, or not. I have favored them for as long as I stated, and Klipsch are a very inexpensive way to get into horns, with improvements available for pennies on the dollar, to get them. Every speaker can be improved upon, so I am stating Klipsch are easy. Still best to listen before purchase, if at all possible. Anyway, I hope my babble has helped a bit. Enjoy ! MrD.