Buy a pair of ten year old $40,000 speakers for $4,000 or new ones at that price point?

Hi. There are bargains to be had on really high-end components that are more than a few years old. DACs change too much and we need the newer technology. How about speakers? I know it can depend on the specific model but in general is a 10 year old speaker system that was $40,000 in 2009 and now sells for $4,000 a better value than a new system that sells for $4,000 in 2019?  How much has speaker and crossover technology evolved in the past decade or so? (I posted a similar questions about amps in that forum). Thanks for all the input and wisdom.
When buying older speakers, be sure and make sure that the surrounds on the drivers are made of rubberized material and not foam, as foam surrounds break down. Unless of course you are skilled at replacing surrounds on drivers?

Fortunately most modern speaker/driver manufacturers have adopted better, more durable materials.

Cabinet design and materials, crossover design and implementation as well as driver selection are large factors in how a loudspeaker voices.
If the question is purely theoretical, and both are properly priced, then they are both $4,000 speakers and would be equal, no?
If I could get a 10 year old pair of Revel Salon 2s for $2,200, even with some scratches or slightly damaged cabs, I would take it in a heartbeat lol.
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Let's assume you already have a darn good system, i.e. speaker choice that sound darn good in your room. Beyond your budget 'might' give 'better' results.

Oh boy, what a deal! You skipped the first question, even free, will they be 'better'? Likely, but not always the case.

"Deal or No Deal?" There is little risk in acquiring a great bargain in good shape, you will be able to sell them for a profit later, soon if they don't work out, or later if a magic new technology is invented (likely very expensive).

I am 70, been involved, auditioning quality audio products for 50 years. My lifetime favorite speakers, current, were designed and manufactured in 1956. Drivers from Fisher President II console, Electrovoice horn tweeters and midranges, and 15" woofers, original crossovers, in a new enclosure designed by me, Electrovoice engineers, and my av consultant way back in 1978.

I have re-coned the woofers twice, the horns proven by 60 years to be bulletproof. I have a full spare set of drivers anyway, to keep them going for life (mine anyway).

Over the years I have acquired some great bargains, including speakers, the category subject to more audible change than anything else without doubt, the heart of your question. New designs with easily perceivable results will assuredly come.

However, stereo tape began in 1956, stereo lp in 1958, the quest for 'better', at any price, has also been going on for over 60 years. Change? People with Quads (i.e. .. ) are like Charlton Heston, good luck prying them from their dying hands!

The best deal in the world on an unknown sound, even if perfect shape is unwise. Search for reviews, find an expert with experience who might have heard them, all while checking out the condition, the first thing to check is the driver surrounds.