Why I like my home system better than live music

Not sure which forum to place this, but since speakers are the most important in the audio chain besides the room, I'll start here. I know most audiophiles including me set live music as the reference to guage reproduced music in their homes. But I've come to the conclusion I enjoy my home system better than most live music. I can count on one hand musical venues that I think absolutely outclasses any system I've heard, but in most cases live music is just sounds bad. Is it just me who feels this way?
Is it just me who feels this way?
Lots of people feel this way.Relax,you are not alone!!
Live music runs the gamut from spot on to very poor.

Lots of factors affect how a live event sounds, including venue, how the production is set up/configured and where you sit in it among others.

Even within a single excellent venue as a whole, I've heard the full range from excellent to poor with different performances and listening from different locations.

The thing with your system is you can control everything except how the source material is recorded. I agree that as a whole, a good home system can be and often is more consistent and rewarding. There are fewer variables out of your control in play.

Having said that, I do not know if the best live events can be reproduced as well on a home system. A good system, can come pretty close though with a good recording.
What kind of live music are you listening to? I like to attend regular performances of a local Orchestra, and though my listening preferences are for jazz, blues and rock, nothing sounds better to me than live, unamplified orchestra performance of classical music.

I do like listening to my own system, because I can control the volume and musical selections, which I cannot do at a live performance.

Are you referring to live unamplified sound or the sound coming from a venue's sound system?

As a point of reference you haven't listed your system. What exactly are you comparing "live sound" to?