Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.

Tgun you are using a tube preamp and a dsd based dac your results are going to be different than others using these amps with different gear also Martin Logans are shelved in the extreme top end.

We are delighed you love your gear many people have different experiences.

From the same  review 

REF600M did not produce the same amount of dynamic punch or bass slam as my freshly refurbished Pass Labs X150.3.

Gee if the Pass x150 sounds as good in the same areas, but beats the Ref 600 in dynamic punch and slam,  and costs nearly the same which is the better choice?

Unless you really dont have the space or need the extra power, what is the appeal again with these Class D amplifiers?

We will put a 250 watt Coda .8 amp vs any Class D amp. 

We have tested many Class D amplifiers Hypex, Ncore, Ice, Pascal havent heard one yet that made us want to jump ship. Each one has some flaw.

There are many audiophiles who agree with us. 

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ

I'd expect these to be a very sound combo with excellent detail yet minimal fatigue.