Upgrade from Silverline 11

I have Silverline 11's, which I like. I would like to upgrade, however. I live in an area without great audiophile resources therefore I'm buying without hearing. Any suggestions for upgrading?? Thanks...
If you don't want a floor standing speaker you should consider the Silverline 17 or 17.5. If you like the sound of Silverline, move up the chain, you won't be disappointed and there shouldn't be any surprises.
Since the Merlins have been suggested I would also take a look at Ushers higher end monitors;I have rw729's driven with both tubes and solid state and they perform extremely well.
As I mentioned in my previous note, I own a pair of 17.5s. I I also have a pair of 17s that I am holding for a friend until he can pick them up. The 17s have less bass and run out of steam before the 17.5s, but for my tastes, I prefer either of them before the TSM. That is a roundabout way of saying that I think Lak made an excellent suggestion if you want to stay with a Silverline monitor type speaker. I don't see a 17 or 17.5 listed for sale at the moment, but there is a pair of TSM-MXe listed for $1750. They would be a good speaker, are within your budget, are available now, but in my experience don't handle as wide a range of music as well as the 17.5s. If you wait and find a pair of 17.5s I am sure you would like them. But if you are not in a hurry, if you can snag a pair of 17.5s I think you'd be pleased.
I was going to suggest the same thing - stick with Silverline since you like the 11's - he makes excellent speakers all around. That said, I don't know that the step up to the 17's would be that significant for your having owned three different pairs of them. They are certainly excellent speakers and for monitors give you a pretty great low-end, but if you really want to improve on that aspect of performance, why not go to a floorstander? The Silverline Sonatina would be a great choice, or the Sonata if you can find one in your price range. You will loose a bit in the imaging department going from monitors to floorstanders, but you will gain quite a bit in terms of low-end over going to the 17's in my experience. One footnote - do be careful in purchasing used speakers that the seller has a good reputation and either original or professional packing, and with shipping insurance mandatory. Better to buy local whenever possible. The downside of the older Silverline models is that some of them no longer have drivers available should one become damaged :-( Still, I would consider a floorstander for what you are asking for in improvements in the low end (which do necessarily come with a high price tag to get that really great - but used you might be able to find something very good). Certainly an SR17(.5) would be a step up as well, I just don't know how big a step up in terms of perceived differences.
I would be very careful in moving to floorstanding speakers for a 10x15 room. My room is 13x15 and I've gone through four different floorstanders and three different monitors. All of the monitors were a better fit.

The danger is overloading the room with bass, along with losing imaging capabilities. You need to move floorstanders well out into the room to escape bass issues and enjoy proper imaging, and you likely don't have the real estate for that.

I've gone to Audio Note AN-J's and love the fact that I can tuck them into the room corners for extra space and due to their design get near the bass of a floorstander without any overloading issues.

YMMV -- Good luck