As I mentioned in my previous note, I own a pair of 17.5s. I I also have a pair of 17s that I am holding for a friend until he can pick them up. The 17s have less bass and run out of steam before the 17.5s, but for my tastes, I prefer either of them before the TSM. That is a roundabout way of saying that I think Lak made an excellent suggestion if you want to stay with a Silverline monitor type speaker. I don't see a 17 or 17.5 listed for sale at the moment, but there is a pair of TSM-MXe listed for $1750. They would be a good speaker, are within your budget, are available now, but in my experience don't handle as wide a range of music as well as the 17.5s. If you wait and find a pair of 17.5s I am sure you would like them. But if you are not in a hurry, if you can snag a pair of 17.5s I think you'd be pleased.