New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Wow! I can't get over audiogeekfreak's bashing on VSA.
I have the VR-33's and I love them. The amount of sound these speakers reproduce and the clarity throughout the entire frequency response is amazing. My wife loves the cloth wrap and the high gloss black caps. We don't have alot of space in our living room, so I have the VR-33's just a few inches from the wall and the bass response is smooth and tight. The price was great. It would of cost me 3 to 4 times as much to find a comparable speaker. I highly recommend this speaker for anyone who appreciates high quality sound.
You'll note audiofreakgeek is registered as a commercial user.

Can you say agenda?

How about it geek? Time to geek up.
Hmmmmmmmmmm. I thought dealers were supposed to disclose their affiliations, especially when criticizing a manufacturer. "Agenda" appears to be putting it mildly.

I own VR-7's and Albert was very helpful in guiding me through a bypass V-Cap crossover mod in order to further enhance the resolution and dynamics of my speakers.
I would also love to have more information in the 33s. I love my VR-4JRs, but I know Albert from our long phone conversations and I am sure each model is an improvement. Speaking of dealers, I read that when Albert decided to drop most of his retail dealers and go internet and a few exclusive dealers, that some of his dealers were miffed. I read some of the comments from said dealers on the net at the time and they dissed his speakers when they were just mad about the way he did business with them. I bought my VR-4JRs on close-out from one of the internet dealers who struck a deal with Albert for his remaining stock. He then closed out some models and now makes and sells fewer and higher end models. Nonetheless, he still was willing to talk to me on the phone, is very accessible, and stands behind his products. I highly recommend his speakers, no matter what his ex-dealers say. After all, that's just business. I'm only after the sound, and he makes great speakers.
Let's face it, it is a very tough business environment out there for all businesses and I am sure those in higher end audio can feel the pinch more acutely. Albert through his dealer network built a very good reputation for his products and his service after the sale and I am sure believed that this would transition smoothly to an online model. It seems like Thiel audio may have been leaning in this direction also.

For those that have run a business, you know that plans almost never go exactly as we expect, but this is what makes it fun! We should all appreciate Albert's efforts to make innovative products. And at the end of the day, if he makes a great speaker at a price we like we should buy it.

FWIW, I used 4JRs in my system for quite some time and still use VR-1 and SVS-1 sub in my HT and have no affiliation with VSA.