New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Just an FYI

I saw this review on Stereomojo about the Von Schwikert VR-33 speakers. I thought it may be of some help.

StereoMojo VS VR-33 review
We should be mindful and appreciative of everyone's individual tastes and perceptions so as to participate in a positive and meaningful way.
I have owned VSA VR5 HSE's for some 6 years now and have been an audiophile for some 40 years. This gives me no special insight other than a lot of experience listening to different speakers over the course of the years, both in my own systems and in those of friends neighbors and audio shows.

The VSA speakers I own have stood the test of time. I do not think about replacing them. In fact,I hardly think about the at all any longer, other than to admire their stately beauty. They listed for $12,000 when new and are the most transparent, neutral, "invisible" speakers I have heard at anywhere near that price or dollar equivalents from bygone days. They also look brand new.

So how anyone who has to VSA speakers can call them mediocre is beyond me. And whether or not a specialty high end audio business is successful depends on many factors aside from the quality of the products. As scientists say: Correlation is not causation!

We are not here to reassure the insecure....we are here to trade ideas. I dont happen to think VS is anything special, some dont like speakers I do but you wont see me getting my butt all puckered up about it.
Wow - not sure why you would deliberately slam a speaker line you haven't recently heard yourself at all. That's not trading of ideas, its just looking to pick a fight. That helps nobody. How can anyone care what you think about VS speakers, when you obviously haven't even listened to them? Or am I missing something? Most of your prior comments I have read on other threads have been thoughtful and well-reasoned. I think you missed on this one, unless of course your goal was just to stir up VS owners. You really aren't helping the OP either, IMO, with just a blanket negative generalization. It might have been better to say you didn't like the VS speakers that you heard, listing them and when you heard them - just a suggestion if you truly want to "trade ideas".