New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
I would like to ignore such garbage and that is likely the best policy, but I know firsthand the challenges of running a small business. I have a lot of respect for people who work very hard at their craft and believe they deserve better than obviously uninformed and unsubstantiated bashing.
I've heard quite a few iterations of Alberts speakers and not only thought they were nothing special, but actually find them not a good speaker at all. the point that a friend of mine and I who were auditioning the speakers couldn't believe that they were competitive in any way. Naturally, there are some who either don't know what real music sounds like in real space, or prefer their version of what music sounds like in real space. You pay your money, and get what you want.
I would love to know where I "bashed" them and cant help to wonder why some insist on being agreed with, why do those people seem to demand people be in lockstep with their opinions? Get over yourselves.
If you are going to go there too. I must be one of the few that don't know what real music is cause I preferred the VS 5 Annies over the Vandies you own. I found the vandies 5A had a narrow sweet spot, lack of dyanamics on much of the techno/prog stuff I listen to. Also midbass hump I couldn't understand given the ability to tune , not worth 7K let alone 17 IMO. That DID not sound like real music to me. But you get what you like - right. The VS on the other hand did everything right - for me anyway. Good luck to you.

Chadnliz - you make me laugh.

Don't let anyone on these boards influence you. Go and seek out a dealer or a audio club with owners of these fine speakers and listen/decide for yourself.

Good listening to all no matter your poison.
String knows what music should sound like as he is a classical performer by trade and I have met him in person.