Nice cheap shot on AVS, Stringreen.
Your opinion is just that and you have a lot of nerve trying to tell ANYONE, unsolicited, how to LISTEN to anything. You do not qualify to give anyone such advice, nor do I. It doesn't matter what you do or how often you have participated or gone to "live events". There are many different types of "live evernt and one size does not fit all. There are also plenty of people who think Vandersteens are underperforming speakers. The advice to go to more live concerts, again unsolicited, is is just your own pompous opinion. I guess all those people who spend good money to sit in the orchestra section also don't know what they are doing either, right?
I have also met very friendly and ethical heads of many audiophile companies, and have in fact had a number of them in my listening room. It is obvious you have an issue with AVS, and your dislike for his speakers can't help but be colored by such animosity, IMO. I know AVS and we have had our differences, but I certainly wouldn't slam his speakers just because I got my feelings hurt... :-)