Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I have the Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord on the new krell k 300I with dedicated line and furutech gtx-Rhodium d duplex receptacle,  this combination has elavated the performance of the amplifier beyond my expectations 🥂 cheers. 
I have some older Tara S/T Quantum's hooked up to my Revel Salon 2's. They sound exactly the same as my unbranded 12 gauge cable.
Tobor007, lol!, that is some late 80's cable's,  high end cable's by anyone sounded like zip cords back then, the industry just started making so called high end cable's. 
Just replaced a Transparent Reference XL SS speaker cable and a Transparent Ultra RCA interconect with a pair of Tara Labs 0.8 and WOW! 

Everything is cristal clear now. 
Speakers VR-44 Aktive
Amp Ayon Spirit III
Pre Amp and DAC Ayon Stealth