New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
It just sounded petty and somewhat small minded to take an owners word for it, maybe its true or maybe its marketing but you lapped it up so go with your gut. Just as you say "how dare I" you dont like it when I say that while his speakers are not bad I think they are unremarkable....I mean my dare I?
When you afford yourself sarcasm for your opinion you might do well to do the same for others. But you seem to think your opinion matters and mine isnt to be paid attention. I will try not to trip over the double standard as I exit the room. cheers
Sorry man, I'm not a message board warrior. I never went off on your opinion in the first place. I questioned it just like others, but I never said you were wrong about it or anything as I understand this hobby is purely subjective. Now I make a little comment about what the owner said and you say I act like a 4 year old and am petty and small minded. I just think that is a reach. Of course I'm going to say I don't care about your opinion at that point. On top of that, when you said they were unremarkable, you only heard them in a limited context. Again, of course your opinion is going to be disagreed with or questioned. But, I never said you were wrong about your opinion, how could I, it is yours. Like I said, All I was trying to do is get people talking about the the VSAs again not get into a pissing match.
We all have more than adequate e-peen here. Lets talk speakers, boys.

This is getting silly.
Gopher, WE ARE taking speakers, don't ya get it, its a testosterone struggle of the fittest! It's always funny to me, these threads, honestly folks sometimes I think we take ourselves too seriously. Maybe we need to spend a bitta time with our "honey" before posting a strong rebuttal or making a point, give it time to relax a little, it might eliminate some of the horn ramming, silly indeed!