New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Gopher, WE ARE taking speakers, don't ya get it, its a testosterone struggle of the fittest! It's always funny to me, these threads, honestly folks sometimes I think we take ourselves too seriously. Maybe we need to spend a bitta time with our "honey" before posting a strong rebuttal or making a point, give it time to relax a little, it might eliminate some of the horn ramming, silly indeed!
I am sorry Alberts speakers strike me as unremarkable....I feel better now ;)
Chad, as long as you lust to keep this alive, please further enrich our lives, is your memory failing or are you just over your head?

08-18-06: Chadnliz
The Eminent Tech are di pole so that may create another problem in a already bright room, unless it can be pulled far into the room, they are also very power hungry, the most of the bunch. I have not heard the VonII, but have the IV jr and SR...great speakers....the Eminent Techs were pretty nice when I demeod them 2 years ago, great for the money.
Chadnliz (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)