A21+ is in da house...

First off... this thing is heavy and in a huge double box... came with a 14ga power cable. No problem, got that covered.

The speaker terminals are great... VERY easy to use designed for human’s by human’s.

Have had her working for about 45 minutes.
I am about to pick up some Aerial Acoustics 7T and was thinking of pairing them with the Parasound A21 or A21+. Do you think it’s a good match? Any tips? 
Has anyone owned both the A21 and A21+ and if so did you hear any difference between them in sound?


I used to have Aerial Acoustic 7Ts with the Parasound A21 several years ago. I submit it's a very hard combination to beat for the money.
Ok.  Have you heard the 7T's with other amps that you would recommend as well?  Or is the A21 right at the "law of diminishing returns" as far as performance?  (I am also possibly considering a Levinson 532H)

I've heard other amps with the 7Ts that were in a different price category than the A21. I can't say if the A21 is right at the "law of diminishing returns" or not, only you can make that determination. I submit that incremental improvements can cost a lot of money, but once you hear them it's very hard not to want the next level. To my ears it's easy to discern the differences between the A21 and Jeff Rowland 625 S2; however it isn't a night and day difference. To my ears, in my system, the A21 was relatively flat sounding and didn't provide the depth and height of soundstage that the 625 S2 does. I'm a firm believer that you must listen with your own ears and that's the only way to decide what works best for you.