"Dazed and Confused" about upgrading current speakers

I currently have a pair of Golden Ear Technology model 7's. I don't have any particular or serious gripes about their sound quality. However, I think I could do better in overall sound  quality, especially highs and midrange detail and clarity. I know and have read they are noted for their low distortion.

The following speakers may not be upgrades but I have given them consideration:  Ohm Walsh Tall;  Neat Iota and Iota Plus;  and the Larsen 4.2 .

The Larson and the Neat seem overpriced, but their size and profile are attractive  In addition. the very new  Magnepan LRS..... and Magneplanar ..7.   I realize that none of the above may provide a major and noticeable upgrade in sound. I am not as mobile as I used to be and so can't go county wide speaker shopping..

The last go-around of looking, I considered the Revel F-206 and the PSB Imagine T-2, but not many come up for sale, especially the PSB T-2.  The Revel  F-206 I have somewhat lost interest because of their size. 

My electronics are definitely worthy of any of the above speakers and then some   The amp is a BAT VK-200  (100RMS)   Conrad Johnson PV-14L SE; preamp line stage;. Ayre CX7e mp CD player The separates could be replaced by a integrated amp, but that is not in the works at this time

Advice and recommendations welcome

Thank you,



The goldenear amt is both loved/hated for its sound...but there is no doubt that amt's are fast and open...I'm thinking that if you are going to change, you might prefer another speaker with a similar fast top end....a RAAL, another amt...a Be.

Some suggestions include Legacy, Ascend Sierra RAAL models, Salk RAAL models, Selah ribbon models, Ryan Speaker 610 Be, Tekton Lore Be.

There are a lot of good choices and a lot depends on your room...as an example....the Magnepans are very narrow dispersion and need to out from the wall a minimum of 3'...more is better.  The ohms have super wide dispersion and like to be close to the wall...12" or less.
I agree with mrdecibel

First place to look after that is your cabling. WireWorld Series 8 is amazing.

Both these companies offer a in home money back guarantee
Sunnyjim... what part of the country are you located. I have some PSB T2’s.  I’m in San Diego. I’m planning on listing them soonish. 
i'm using Ohm 5000's in a small room.  i went this route for the adjustability and flexibility for future use.  also, i've got 300w mono's driving them, so again, beyond what you are talking about.  none the less, after they broke in, i could not be happier.  they are just great and virtually invisible.  that's saying a lot for these monsters.  i would give any Ohm a try.....their trial period is hard to beat.