Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement

So after reading the thread of useless tweaks I'd  be interested the communities opinions of useful tweaks. I may be rehashing a previous thread but times change as do useful tweaks.

I have found that in my case the following were useful, immediate and audible,
In order of priority in my opinion
1 Room treatment
2 Speaker location, ie proper setup
3 Subwoofer location (if used)
4 Subwoofer integration
5 Component isolation
6 Cables, all SC/IC etc, normally I would not mention cables but did have an ear opening epiphany that makes me believe cables are system dependant and I do not mean directionality.

So if anybody has anything to add, please do so as none of us are ever too old to learn.

You’ve been following the wrong sheep. No offense.

🐑 🐑 🐑 🚶‍♂️
It IS all about the music! First and foremost.  Without the music who needs the equipment? 
You're absolutely correct. 
"Without the music who needs the equipment?"
Nothing to do with this thread, but I do. They talk half of the time on the radio.
I wonder how well do Mpingo discs sell in Africa. People there have tradition and the tree. If anyone should appreciate it, it would be them. Are there any statistics about that? Adjusting to number of perceived audiophiles, of course.

Until something gets better organized, Mpingo discs may not be that honorable.

Maybe geoffkait is right, maybe people buying Mpingo discs have been following the wrong sheep. No offense. 🐑 🐑 🐑 🚶‍♂️

My engineer claims that the metal cover acts as a shield. It should never be removed. 

Same goes for the tube amps.