Let's roll: what pre-amp tubes should I consider next?

I am looking for some guidance from experienced vacuum tube amp users. I have a Unison Research S6 (most recent model) which runs six x EL34 power tubes and two x 12AX7 pre-amp tubes.

Having gone NOS in the pre-amp section, I've had great results over the new manufacture Tung Sol 12AX7s that come stock with this integrated. The tubes I've played with are the Philips Miniwatt 12AX7s and the Siemens 12AX7s. I like what both have to offer, but there are differences. The Miniwatts being warmer and contributing to an overall more subtle listening experience whereas the Siemens are more precise, producing a sound that has attack, excitement and thrill in abundance. However, I find the latter can be a bit too much in the upper mid/lower treble region some times. Is there another new manufacture (thinking Psvane?) or NOS (Brimar, Mullard, Mazda) that would give me the best of both worlds? Good tone and timbre while maintaining a sense of involvement through speed and attack?

What are your recommendations?


If you want to tame some of the treble maybe look at 5751 tubes which have a little lower gain that the 12ax7.
Sylvania-Baldwin green label circa 1960’s or GE from the same era are great sounding preamp tubes!
Amperex/Bugle Boy and Philips/Miniwatt tubes tend to ride a line, between the warmth/romaniticism of British tubes and the clarity/transparency of the likes of Siemens and Teles. Contact Brent Jesse, for info. Reviews/listening opinions, here: http://www.audiotubes.com/12ax7.htm
The Pvane 12AX7 tubes in my cdp are just right (for that application).Clean and clear but not harsh.