Rogue Audio vs Vincent Audio


Just wanted to get opinions/suggestions on Rogue Audio vs Vincent Audio.

In particular, the Rogue Audio Sphinx V2 Vincent SV-237MK.

Heard a Rogue Sphinx demo today and it certainly sounded good hooked up to some B&W Speakers, sorry forgot to check which model but infidelity, one of their higher end speakers.

Show rooms always have good acoustics, I unfortunately have vaulted ceilings.

Anyways, wanted to see what you all have to say.

I am at the moment evaluating a Vincent Audio SV-500 which I do like very much but now the Rogue has me thinking. 

I can still return the Vincent within it's 30 days limit but have also read such good reviews of the Vincent SV-237MK, so I am wondering about that also.

Buy the Rogue on the same 30 day return terms and send back the one you don't like. Be aware B&W speakers tend to sound detailed and impressive at demos but can become fatiguing over time.
Thanks for the input.

The local dealer I don't think will really take returns so I will need to find a online retailer that has a normal return policy.

I think Needle Doctor might fit the bill for me try this amp out.
Also consider that most Rogue gear has good resale value, and all of its various models are more well-known than anything from Vincent. Rogue provides exceptional service, support, and upgrades even to 2nd hand owners of Rogue gear. All made in USA too. 
Why not ask your local dealer to pop the made in USA Rogue Sphinx home for a bit. This should help you make an easier decision. while supporting your, local dealer, that opened your awareness and ears in the first place.