Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.

Going to order one of these 3500P and hopefully it will be transformative in my system as well and maybe I will not need my basic SR Grounding Block.

Can't wait to hear in my system and I also went with the upgraded 2502F Power Cord.

@wig,This is awesome. I will DEFINITELY look forward to read your comments on this unit. Especially because you have experience with power conditioners before - I see the Shunyata Hydra and CPT 1200 in your system.You got me thinking into the 2502F power cord. Will look into it, since @bacardi also seems thrilled with it.
Here are a few conditioners I have owned in the last 8 years and hoping the AC 3500P will be the last:

- Torus CS-15
- Shunyata Hydra
- Audience Auricap Version
- Running Springs Jaco
- Core Power Technology 1200

See my system page on all the modification I completed on my CPT; easily 20% improvement across the board.

Well @wig, I am like a kindergartner when it comes to power conditioning. This is my first real serious power conditioning. I took a leap of faith, reading owner experiences here, online reviews and talking to Robert.You on the other hand are a college graduate. Hope my experience is still relevant in your system, especially after you have experienced so many power conditioners.As I said before; I will be eager to hear about your experience. Which of the above list of conditioners do you still own? Any comparisons will be fun to read.
From the looks of the design and from actual users, I think it's going to be an eye opener especially after 7-10 days of 24 hour burn-in.

See PM on my experience with CPT and it's what I am using now but highly tweaked and modified by me :)
