Room improvement

Many of you speak of the importance a room plays in the ultimate sound . There must be be many variables to try. Where do you start?
and move to a more permanent, decor friendly solution if the changes are real- and not just my ears adjusting.

Thanks Erik! I should have listened to you earlier!

Audiomaze, fwiw, my listening position is a leather couch with a back above my ears. Placing a throw behind my head cleans things up a bit. In my case the leather seems to reflect sound and smear the details some. 
You are welcome, uncledemp, glad I could help you enjoy this hobby even more!
If your room sounds like crap with nothing in it, slap echo, hollow sounding, overdamped, reverberations, etc., why would you think an audio system will fix all of these issues. A good room will allow a good speaker to sound great whereas a bad room will make a great speaker sound like crap