Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Just spoke to the Jeff Rowland Group. They confirmed their new integrated amp will be released this April and will be called the Continuum Series Two, and not the Continnum 500.
Specs are not available but Brandon at Rowland mentioned last year it will have the same power output.
I want to hear the new Ayre integrated. Although I haven't liked all Ayre products I've heard, I suspect this new piece will be a contender.
My dealer just got the new Ayre AX5 and texted me to tell me I need to come for a listen. He sounds impressed.
Hi AudioZen, by coincidence, I just received some info yesterday about the new Rowland Continuum Sereies 2 integrated amp. Like the old Continuum 500, CS2 it is based on a class D design, but Continuum S2 is designed around new technology power conversion modules, that are not from B&O ICEpower. Power rating is 400W over 8 Ohms, and 800W over 4 Ohms. The preamplifier section is based on the new Rowland Capri S2, and the amp supports an optional DAC card as well as an optional Phono card. PFC is not incorporated, but the amp can be fed through the Rowland PC-1 rectifier, which is based on active PFC. We will find out how it sounds after the integrated is released during Q2.

I'm a bit late to respond, but there's a very limited production run of shuguang 211b tubes which are very nice and preferable to the Nos ge to me. They're a bit hard to come by, but they're the 211 equivalent of the excellent 845b tubes.

Drop me a line if you want more info.
