Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?
audiotroy1,973 posts06-25-2019 9:42am

As per annoying the speakers can sound great as good or better than anything else at the price and then some.

Hum, you might wanna take a two-hour nap from one to four...

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Mheinze, please grow up.

If you read any of the above posts we said the following about Magicos that we have heard at Axpona

The Magicos are a great example of a extraordinary conventional loudspeaker with a very inert cabinet, a Beryillium tweeter and a graphene based midrange driver. Parts and build quality on the Magico are as good as it gets.

We have heard the Magicos for years at shows and at a few dealers they are much more netural than the Personas, at Axpona we heard many Magio setups with very expensive electronics and nearly every setup the speakers were not involving.

The big Magico M6 with dual subs and Dagastino gear has a huge sense of scale but failed to sound musical.

The only setup that we thought was actually quite good was the S3 with the new Classe gear, and this setup was musical with a nice sense of clarity and a good soundstage.

Last one hardly seems like we are trashing them does it? The Classe Magico setup was indeed very good sounding and we thought that setup was in many ways far more enjoyable then the really expensive setups at the show.

As per understanding the products we sell we certaintly do. The new Golden Ear Tritron 1R use DSP in their bass and the speakers sound good.  The Personas sound very good and can frankly sound amazing if setup correctly. 

We care that the DSP room correction can make the speakers sound fantastic in rooms that a speaker with big bass generally would work. 

We do not hear the problems that Sciencecop hears. 

Most people don' t care if their speakers use first order or second order slopes or thrid order or fourth. 

Other than on these boards when in a discussion you can point out the reason why many designers  dont make first order loudspeakers, and the reason why others do. 

The fact that you as a consumer didn't buy your loudspeakers based on their crossover slope you bought them because they moved you when playing music it is that simple. 

Meinze we get people all the time contacting us and finding validity in what we say. 

Did we say the Magicos aren't good and the Paradigms are better no we didn't we gave a pretty accurate summation of our findings. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Persona Dealers

It’s easy to conclude that @sciencecop never had a Persona in their listening room ... at best only heard them on shows.

I do not know how there are people who reach final conclusions based on auditions in audioshows, with equipment they do not even know.

I have heard several renowned speakers in my room...and in my room (with admittedly bass problems), the Personas were the best.

My dealer in Portugal have Avantgarde speakers and Shindo amplifiers...the combination is simply stunning...sad my wife will never allow a speakers like Avantgarde.
But for @sciencecop it will always be unacceptable a horn speaker to have a subwoofer with DSP room correction. 

Just to clarify, I’m from Portugal (Europe), and I simply do not know anyone from Audio Doctor.
400Hz, is not subwoofer territories, not even in Portugal ;)
And yes, it will be unacceptable.