Re-tipped phono cartridges

I noticed a lot of ads for re-tipped phono cartridges are suggesting this is an improvement over the original. I respectfully disagree. Regardless of the new stylus the integrity of the original design has been compromised. Think of it as a fine Italian automobile with a blown engine. It can be fixed but is it ever truly the same?
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I noticed a lot of ads for re-tipped phono cartridges are suggesting this is an improvement over the original. I respectfully disagree. Regardless of the new stylus the integrity of the original design has been compromised.

Absolutely, this is what i’ve been posting here for a long time. And every cartridge manufacturer will tell us the same, J.Carr explained it on this forum. It is always a compromise, especially when the cantilever is replaced.

There are plenty of amazing original cartridges on the market, especially the vintage cartridges, sometimes the price for a whole new cartridge (even with Diamond cantilever) is very close to the service price charged by retipper for a new cantilever/stylus. I’ve bought a few NOS (never used) Dynavector cartridges with Ruby and Diamond cantilever for less than retippers service price. When the actual NOS cartrisge with the most expensive diamond cantilever cost less than sevice price it means something.

People upgrading some inferior cartridges with better cantilevers and better diamonds and i can understand it, but still i would rather buy a better cartridge from the start. I can also understand if someone tried so many cartridges and there is an absolute favorite discontinued model, original designed is retired and you can only fix it with someone else.

Many cantilevers were made exclussively for specific cartridge manufacturer, not available today for anybody else. beryllium cantilever for example. Hollow Pipe Boron cantilever for example. Short gemstone cantilevers. They are NOT available for ANY retipper. Replacing those with something else is a compromise, not the best solution. Also they know nothing about calculation made by the original designed (before he decided to use one or another cantilever/stylus etc). An original designer can make 20-50 samples of the cartridge prototype using different materials before he will chose one. Each state of the art cartridge is voiced by the original designer. 

My analogy is not a cars, but a plastic surgery. Some people don't mind to add a bit of silicone to some parts of their body, or change the shape of the nose for example. They think it's better.  

Well, if someone is sending a cartridge for retipping, it's usually because it's sounding pretty ratty.  So it makes sense that the one that comes back is an improvement over what they remember.  But the deterioration of a phono cartridge is so gradual, I'm not sure anyone could accurately remember the sound of the original. BTW, I had Soundsmith retip a Transfiguration cartridge for me and it sounded great, so I wouldn't hesitate.  It only cost $500 as opposed to a new one for a couple grand, so there's that as well.