which car is sitting in your listening room?

Hello all!

given the expense competent, high value, upper range performing, top flight, and no holds barred SOTA audio systems costs  lately, which car in terms of your ssystems  overall retail price  is waiting for you to rev its engine the next time you fire it up in your listening room?

Ford Escort, Toyota Corolla, Chrysler Mini Van, Camaro Z28, BMW M series, Dodge Viper,Tesla, ‘Vette, Lambo, McClaren, or Bugatti?

Or… ?

where-ever your audio system lands price wise, you choose the relative cost equivalent vehicle as it is now, and or which one you hope to eventually have on the ‘show room’ floor.


"1979 Zastava 750S(the performance exhilarates)"
You could not stretch for Luxe?

Exhilarating performance-wise, I know a man who used to tune his and everyone was making fun of him. Then he got caught (radar) and police claimed he was going 205 km/h. At first, he wanted to argue as it was impossible, but then he agreed to pay as long as they gave him a written proof that was his speed. It was a small price to pay for bragging rights.
I was just thinking  about this the other day. I’m going to have to go with a new Alpha Romeo.

expensive bicycle lol

I began with a pr of BW towers a Sony Carosel CD changer and a Sony ES HT receiver, or essentially a 1981 F150 300ci straight six PU.

once I landed here things improved.

some BAT gear, Von S towers and a Sony SCD xa 777 or IOW, a 2000 Crown Vic loaded.

a while later it ended up pretty much as a loaded 300 series BMW, or a used 500 series, also loaded, i.e., $35 to $40K. MSRP

now its back to basics and a very well and often used Hundai that smokes a little bit. lol

I could live quite easily with something in the $75 to $100K MSRP area. An Audi A6? Dodge Charger Hell Cat? nope. maybe a lux SUV. if it has a trailer hitch of course. gotta be able to pull some kind of water craft, jet ski, bass boat, hmmm, horse trailer?

given how Integrated amps are progressing, maybe a whole lot less! perhaps a brand new Subaru Outback.

I don't know what the future holds, but I do know who holds it. gonna have to wait and see what He has in mind.

Random redneck: that thing got a hemi? 

Me: nope 😅
 I guess I have a set of alloys and some tires in my listening room. And I'm pretty happy with them 😃