What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

You probably didn’t burn it in long enough. 😀 These Quantum thinggies need some time to settle in. Frozen clock radio? Whoa, Daddy! That sounds eerily like....
I just pay 20 bucks for a china made schumann resonator.... The result are stupendous in my room and audio system...Better separation and imaging...Oups! wrong thread!
China’s a lot smarter than a lot of folks realize. For example China has the current distance record for quantum teleportation, 870 mi. I remember when it was few feet. Heck, they’ll be catching up to your humble narrator pretty soon if I’m not careful.

Hey, mahgister, quick question - does the Schumann device work on the system or you?
By the way I improve it with some shungite and herkimer diamond and with an improved power supply with tourmaline...I must say that the improvement is not small nor doubtful, I am surprized....I ask for myself now this question: why paying many hundred of bucks for one? Acoustic revive sell some at too high price for me. I realize I have replicated many of their priceful products or ideasor replace it tough at no cost or very low... Nevermind! The shumann resonator is not useless, overpriced, ridiculous tweak, if you buy a china made cheap one...

But before buying one, beware! You must treat your room, clean the electrical grid, and eliminate or control vibrations,after that and only after a schumann resonator will make a great audible impact...