Sound Anchor Blue Dots or BluTack??

Any Sound Anchor stand users that compared the Blue Dots that come with the stands to Blu Tack?

Your thoughts??? which seamed to to a better job? are they about equal? your preference and why??

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In my experience, Blue-Tack definitely affected the sonics and dynamics. Blue-tack was one of the worst I tried to my ear.
Bokfudo: My personal experience (from memory);

Blue Dots: Distortion in the upper mid-range and lower treble.

Blu-Tak: Better than the Blue Dots but made the mid-range leaner and seemed to roll off the high end.

Herbies Big Fat Dots: The most balanced and satisfying presentation compared to the others. The Fat Dots I used were the original formulation which has changed. I would assume the newer Fat Dots are an improvement of some sort but I haven't had an opportunity to compare them to the originals. I'd say give them a try. You can always return them if you don't like them.

Good luck in your quest.
2013 Update:
I have now had the opportunity to try many speakers on different speaker stands using all 3. I recently did a direct comparison of Blue-Tack v/s Herbies Fat Dots (One speaker on Blue-Tack the other on Herbies) using the balance control to go back and forth. Then moved both speakers to Herbies. In another experiment, I went from silica sand filled stands back to Sound Anchors again with Blue-Tack v/s Herbies. My conclusion: regardless of the type of stand, the Herbies were always preferred. While I expected improvement in the Bass, it mostly came in the mid and highs. It was like a dirty pane of glass was removed (yes just like the AudioQuest commercial). The mid got more dynamic and detailed while the highs got more layered and natural.

In all cases using Sound Anchors made the sound feel like much superior speakers were being used. Nothing else has come close. I am now a big fan of Herbies Fat Dots.
