The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?
I almost forgot! The same 1s and 0s argument is frequently used in similar debates regarding HDMI cables, both generally speaking and in particular why control of directionality for HDMI cables is important, as Audioquest will attest. Hey! That rhymes! 🤗
Again, the fact that the input sequence is not perfectly timed is not relevant providing the data recovery circuitry/algorithms are able to cope with the imperfections. The use of data corrections (CRCs etc) can ensure bit perfect output sequence results. The use of quality retiming can ensure extremely low jitter prior to the conversion (or indeed during the conversion) to analog.

>>>>As I’ve pointed out a number of times, the correction circuits and the laser servo system are constantly trying to keep up (with the fluttering and flopping disc and the scattered laser light). In fact, they can not (rpt not) keep up. But whaddya want for nothing? This stuff (Redbook) was developed 40 years ago, for crying out loud. The industry is waaaay behind the power curve. It is what it is. Ever wonder why your CDs sound so unnatural, bleached, tinny, bloated, congealed, two dimensional, and dull?

Do SACDs have these issues? Do Blu Ray discs have the same issues? You betcha! 🤗

the stochastic and deterministic components of the jitter other than the combination of both in any given timing window does not cause the data to fall outside the recovery region."

English is not my native language and this makes no sense to me at all so I will ask the assembled experts here to explain more simply or is this just "double talk" "gobbledygook" which is what I suspect.
My Cd's generally sound great (as do my friends CD systems) not unnatural, bleached, tinny, bloated, congealed, two dimensional, and dull. I enjoy very much listening to CD's.
@wynpalmer4 is simply explaining in technical terms that most trained people use, but will be foreign to the lay person.