The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?

the stochastic and deterministic components of the jitter other than the combination of both in any given timing window does not cause the data to fall outside the recovery region."

English is not my native language and this makes no sense to me at all so I will ask the assembled experts here to explain more simply or is this just "double talk" "gobbledygook" which is what I suspect.
My Cd's generally sound great (as do my friends CD systems) not unnatural, bleached, tinny, bloated, congealed, two dimensional, and dull. I enjoy very much listening to CD's.
@wynpalmer4 is simply explaining in technical terms that most trained people use, but will be foreign to the lay person.
My Cd’s generally sound great (as do my friends CD systems) not unnatural, bleached, tinny, bloated, congealed, two dimensional, and dull. I enjoy very much listening to CD’s.

>>>I’m happy to hear that but mostly because I predicted most audiophiles will say their system sounds fabulous. The real question is, would I 👁 say your system sounds fabulous?
rollintubes63 posts06-28-2019 11:20am@clearthink
@wynpalmer4 is simply explaining in technical terms that most trained people use, but will be foreign to the lay person.

Technical jargon can also be useful in obscuring the issues. It’s also an Appeal to Authority to the extent that because someone has technical knowledge it doesn’t mean they automatically win all or even any technical arguments. Two technically competent individuals may have entirely different views on a given issue, for example.