Best speakers for about $3500

Hi All,

I would appreciate some input on my next speaker purchase. I want to spend no more than $3500. I have a Krell 400xi amp. I listen mostly to rock/jazz on vinyl. I have an Innersound phono pre, VPI Scout, and a ZYX cartridge. My dedicated listening room is on the second floor and is about 12 x 14. I prefer full range speakers but don't need to fill an auditorium.

In the past, I have owned B&W Matrix 802s and loved them. In my opinnion, the nicest speakers I have ever heard were B&W Nautilus 802s. Alas, I can't afford them. Notably, I owned a pair of DM 604s for about a week. They were the most disappointing speaker purchase I have ever made.

So I am considering Nautilus 803s though I would be really dissappointed if they were closer to the 604s than the 802s. But I also have access to a very good deal on Gallo Acoustics ref 3.5s. I have heard the Gallos and, while they sound nice, did not compete with the N802s. However, it is not fair to compare the Gallos to the much more expensive 802s. How would they match up to the 803s? Moreover, it seems that I might not be considering all of the great speakers in my price range. For example, I stumbled across a pair of Talon Khorus speakers for $3200. Based on their $15k retail price, I bet they don't suck. Or how about a pair of Wilson Cubs.

Thanks for the feedback, Jim
How can you say a speaker that is dipole in the critical midrange (just like a Magnepan) uses a planar midrange (just like a Magnepan) can in no way have the seem to have a hard time admitting that not only is it possible in some instances and to some experienced ears it is reality.
Think what you want but your only giving opinion just as I and others have, you dont own opinion and you cant think for a second your is the only valid one, well you could but you would be wrong.
I owned Magnepan and compared to VMPS they were boring and less involving. That doesnt mean Magnepan is not as good, just means its more relaxed and veiled so it seems you like that sound. I can see how many love their sound as its pleasing and non offensive but some like to hear more sparkle and detail so the VMPS simply betters the Magnepan in that arena............well in bass aswell.
There is another forum here on Agon about this same guy who apparently visited a Hi Fi store. The forum is titled "what kind of an audiophile????"

Here is a quote of what the OP remarked about him-

" he wasn't interested in any opinion but his own and industry professionals or experienced audiophiles that had other ideas was all morons. Needless to say he had no interest in the shops speakers. It seemed as if he'd come in as an attempt to vainly elevate himself. His gear seemed to define him in the way people often define themselves by cars and other property. I told him his ideas were interesting and suggested he post them on a few audio forums for feedback, but he didn’t like that idea.

Another hi fi shop chimed in and said this same guy visited him as well and described him as " medium height, brown hair and a huge head"

Interesting reading.
Thanks for the suggestions. Based on all of the comments, I think that I can't buy anything without giving it an audition. I will seek out a few opportunities to audition because I can't afford to get this choice wrong and clearly a lot of this stuff boils down to personal preference. I appreciate the input.