Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?

I'd like to replace my 20 year old Bryston 4B SST with a new amplifier, solid state or hybrid. I have been considering the 4B3 and the PS Audio BHK 250. Both got great reviews but I am a bit concerned about the midrange withe the 4B3 and I do not like the amount of heat that the BHK 250 is  reported to produce. I am thinking now of the PS Audio M700. These are efficient class D and do not produce much heat. The M700 has also been reviewed favorably. It's a stereophyle class A.
I appreciate any thoughts on this, an din particular if you have experience with these amps.
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Former 4B3 owner and loved its sound and versatility. Got it for a great price and leveraged it, and other equipment, into my current ref system. Thought its sound very balanced and natural and would buy it again if needed. Have you considered the new Parasound A21+? Lots of power and proven Parasound sonics (doesn't have that sweet 20 year warranty but cost half as much full retail).
About 4 months ago, I replaced my classic Adcom 555-II amp with the PS Audio M700 mono blocks, and I have been very pleased with the upgrade in sound. The M700s are very clear, dynamic, and musical while running cool and not requiring a strong back to move them. Stereophile calls them "an outstanding bargain," and I enthusiastically agree. 

I am sure that the Bryston 4B3 is a strong performer, but it is also significantly more expensive than the M700 pair. I have not heard the Parasound A21+, but it would have been my second choice when I bought the M700s. The issues that drew me toward the M700s (in addition to the great reviews) were the fantastic discount available if you have any gear to trade in and the 30-day in-home trial from PS Audio. If you want to demo the M700s before you confirm your purchase, you can try them in your system and see if they create any magic with your gear. If they don't, just send them back. 

Good luck with your search for a new power amp!
Thank you for your comments.

By concerned I meant that although better than previous 4Bs, it still can be dry (i.e. less warm) compared to other top other class A or AB. In general I have been very happy with the 4B SST except for some dryness in the midrange and some harshness in the top midrange and treble. I mitigated this with a Rogue Magnum 99 tube preamp and the combination was great to my ears.

However, if I am getting a new amp, I'd like to get an amp that does not have those qualities, and although the 4B3 is supposedly better in this regard, I am not sure if it is better enough to my taste. Both PS Audio amplifiers are described as organic sounding and the M700 was even called tube-like. Was hoping someone who heard them and the 4B3 might comment on the differences.

I may very well try the M700 at home. I do not think I can do the same with the Bryston.