Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank

I am in the process of updating my audio equipment and have realized my interconnects are probably not up to snuff; I use the ones provided by the manufacturers.  My current set up includes a Leben cs600 amplifier, California audio lab Icon Mark II CD player, Linn Akurate Streamer, Feikert Volare Table and Spendor SP1 speakers ( in final stages of upgrade to either Audio Note E, Devore O93 or Joseph Profile).  I have been investigating interconnects and have a bit of sticker shock.  So any suggestions on interconnects that won't  bankrupt me?  Is silver truly preferable to copper with respect to resolution and detail?

What I have been doing is buying the wire geometries all ready figured out .VH Audio uses the purestSolid Core ,not stranded 
-0 Crystal Copper,using ultra thin foamed Teflon  which is second only to air as a dielectric , then use top WBT ,or Cardas high Silvercontent solder,and Copper Connectors .not Brass like most companies .since cables are marked up often 4-6x the parts cost.
for $250 in parts cost these  better any $1k interconnects I have compared out there ,and speaker cables over $1500  to equal.
Check out The Cable Company and their affiliate Used Cable. I bought new and used Cardas from them. Got the Clear Light, Cygnus, and Sky. Made a very noticeable improvement over my Kimber Hero ICs. I still use Kimber 8TC for speakers.
Free tip - since all (rpt all) interconnects are directional, independent of the shield if there is one, you might find the sound is better by reversing your current interconnects. Hey, it’s worth a shot.
I would add three points:
1. It ain’t just the cost and the sound, it’s the stiffness too. I’’m a big fan of Acoustic Zen—reasonably priced used and well made. But in my system (housed in a Salamander cabinet) they were just too stiff to make the bends. Especially the power cables. 
2. Power Cables. In my experience, power cables easily make the biggest difference in sound, and I can’t explain why, it just is.
3. Second the comments on Morrow. Inexpensive fire what you get and very helpful people. My current system is all Nordost (great but expensive even used) with Morrow SP5 speaker cables. If I had started out with Morrow all around, I’d be just as happy and would have save al lot of money.
make sure that you have the same brand and construction for all your cabling, otherwise you will be hunting your tail or pray for rain. You can get much better results by choosing same brand, even if you decide for a more economical solution.