Where are Conicident Speaker Technology electronics made ?

Where are Conicident Speaker Technology electronics made ?
Look, it’s not the transparent, clear critical comments made by brownsfan that I complain about; it is the folks who go way out of bounds to insult, fabricate, embroider their negative view of people or products. Clearly, Coincident is one of the better amps period at reasonable cost. Anecdotally and coincidentally I have noticed that designers and dealers that provide excellent bang for buck products seem, to me, to come in for especially harsh treatment on Audiogon. Deal at Primaluna, Eric of Tekton, Teajay as reviewer. Some of the folks who come on threads clearly have agendas that are extremely suspect. Best, mikirob

@brownsfan - I understand completely.  In building components the PTP wiring does look messy but the sound is much better when we did the comparisons.  On the PLUS side, if you keep things long term, there are no circuit boards that tend to cause issues over time.  PLUS I can install large caps, etc. for better sound quality.  You can see some of what we do under my member name and stuff here on Agon.

I have heard the issues with dealing with the owner of Coincident from a few dealers and owners.  But that is a small sample and I do not have first hand knowledge.  For the build quality, I have modified the preamp and amps, they are decent quality for the price point and as long as the owners enjoy the sound, then that is what counts.

Happy Listening.

I've had nothing but good experiences communicating w/Israel since 2007 when I bought his Partial Eclipse II's which I've never had the urge to swap out -- yes, they are that good.  I owned his various cables over the years and a Dynamo SE amp all of which I bought from him direct all very direct and pleasant experiences.  
Hi cal3713,
Thank you for your kind words. When you, brownsfan and others share  your experiences that were unfortunately negative I have no problems with that what so ever. The truth is the truth and I accept reality. I can't explain why I, rpehare, mikirob and sci-fi (and others)  had very positive interaction with Israel Blume and you, brownsfan and others did not. I have no clue but I don't question your accounts of what transpired. It disappoints me that the positive interactions could not be universal. On the positive side I'm very happy that the Coincident Frankenstein has brought you  much musical joy and fabulous sound quality. 

Interesting to read the comments on this thread. I’m in the camp of not knowing where the electronics are made currently. Just like the car industry, there is a percentage of local content that must be achieved to qualify for the domestic status. For all I know there could be sub-assemblies made in China on the current models, yet it qualifies as a Canadian produced amp.

I understand from people in the know the first amps like the MP-300b (well before the Frankenstein’s) were done in collaboration with ASL. All you have to do is look at the cosmetics and it’s abundantly apparent where it came from. However, If all of Israel’s amps are well made and sound good, and can be serviced if need be, that is the core of the matter – regardless of where they come from.

There so many wonderful businesses people in the industry, like others, I’ve had outstanding interaction and support from Dan Schmalle from Bottlehead, Dan Wright from Modwright and Ralph Karsten from Atma-Sphere. (Ralph who is a regular contributor to the community’s is a shining example on the forum) All of these guys are passionate helpers, giving of time, talent, with full transparency and integrity. Israel is closer to the other end of the spectrum from what I’ve experienced, that’s unfortunate.

In the end I love what’s he’s done with the Franks MkII, They sound wonderful, other than a single cap issue, they have been rock steady for 7 years.