Bi-Wire Jumpers

Just an FYI I have a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica three's I am using Cardas golden reference, never bothered with the Bi-Wire option just listened for almost a year , then on a whim bought a pair of Cardas Bi-wire jumpers. What a difference ! those little plates were killing performance , those Jumpers cost me 100.00 and made just an awesome improvement in just about every aspect of the speakers performance, I was stunned. my advice, ditch those little metal plates as fast as you can. I think now I might just go for a set of Bi-Wire cables.
jrw40, just wondering if Sonus Faber recommended in the manual that you bi-wire? Sonus Faber is my favorite dynamic speaker company for the time being. The Aidas are just wonderful.
They didn't recommend it just has it as an option, but if I were them I would do something other than that jumper plate, its a poor conductor . they are fine sounding speakers though, my third pair of sonus Fabers..
This is a long and old conflictual debate with thousands of responses if you check threads old and new...
I have Vandersteen’s, and Richard almost demands bi-wiring as that is the way the speakers were designed for proper performance. So, I do.

I have bi-amped in the past, but this is my first pair of speakers that are designed to be bi-wired.
I biwire my wharfies using qed silver anniversary xt cables and they sound excellent. I'm in the biwire camp.