Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?

When it comes to imaging, soundstage and mimicking a recorded presentation, which do you prefer?
Do you want to hear musicians in your living room, or do you want to be transported to the space where the musicians were?
Jesus, this again. Every musician and recording engineer knows: live and recorded music are two different things. If your musical satisfaction is driven solely by the “having musicians in the room” exerience, you’re missing out. 
In either case, a good audiophile quality surround sound system delivers much more than even the  most expensive stereo system.  So if you are obsessed with either being there or having them here, get thee to a quality dealer either in person or online.
Anyone who knows about music fundamentals, are aware of the 4 important characteristics necessary for the accurate reproduction of music reproduction, and it’s sounds. These 4 specific qualities are, in no particular order : ( 1 ) Dynamics; ( 2 ) Pitch; ( 3 ) Tone color; and ( 4 ) Duration. Whether in a home environment, an audio system, or actual, playing musicians, or a live venue ( non amplified ), it is wonderful to experience all 4, in order for me, at least, to appreciate the performance. Of course, over time, words such as imaging, sound staging (depth, height, width ), localization, prat, you get the idea, have all been terms created by audiophiles, such as Harry Pearson, and others. I am not questioning the importance of Eric’s initial post, but, with our ear / brain ability to pick up on the direction and orientation of sounds ( and yes, noises, all pressurized vibrations we pick up with our ears ), gives us the ability to hear all of what has been discussed here in this conversation, and so many other conversations. As we are all different and individual from one another, as we all listen and hear differently, as we all have our own " perceptions " as to what is important, and / or real, as we all have different experiences and backgrounds, I have to agree with goeffkait, as to " what is the difference ". We are all correct, as long as we continue on our journey, and can find happiness and enjoyment, with whatever music listening endeavors we experience. Enjoy ! MrD.
Transported is the ideal option in YOUR MUSIC ROOM! Your room is not a CONCERT HALL- but the PROGRAM MATERIAL- Speakers and components can bring you a sensory/ audible impression of the hall . Plain, simple and precise!