Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?

When it comes to imaging, soundstage and mimicking a recorded presentation, which do you prefer?
Do you want to hear musicians in your living room, or do you want to be transported to the space where the musicians were?
I would prefer musicians in my room effect in most cases. I must say, that I have not ever experienced either effect to my satisfaction. And as I get older it is becoming harder and harder for me to suspend my disbelief.  I am a very frustrated audiophile.  ALL recordings sound like recordings to me. 
Jesus, this again. Every musician and recording engineer knows: live and recorded music are two different things. If your musical satisfaction is driven solely by the “having musicians in the room” exerience, you’re missing out. 
In either case, a good audiophile quality surround sound system delivers much more than even the  most expensive stereo system.  So if you are obsessed with either being there or having them here, get thee to a quality dealer either in person or online.