Tidal Sunray vs Gryphon Trident

Interesting if anyone had a chance to compare this great speakers!
I respect very much both of this companies.
I did AB comparisions between their amps and pre.
For my taste Gryphon Colosseum was better than Tidal Impact, but
Tidal Preos was better than Gryphon Mirage.
So now I want to get new speakers and going to compare Tidal Sunray with Gryphon Trident.
They are very much different.
Sunray is all ceramic drivers with dimond tweeter.
Trident is traditional but with 1000watt A/B class amp embedded for LF.
Any opinions?
Murataltuev, when you say Tidal is a bit bright, are you talking about the electronics or the speakers, or both? I have Tidal speakers (Piano Classic) and I don't find them bright at all.
It was standard Amea!
When I said bright about Tidal, may be it was cables...who knows.
System was all Tidal.
When I have it in my system, I'll tell for sure.
Currently I'm not very happy with bass control with my Atlantis.
Contriva has limited bass for my taste, so I'll look for Sunray.
You cannot go wrong with the Sunray. In Munich High End show 2010 the Tidal system was miles ahead of the Gryphon system...
The only problem of full Gryphon system is their source Mikado.
With great source Gryphon easily can compete with any system in the world, I believe!