Preamp suggestions

Just purchased a Nakamichi PA-5 amp in excellent shape. The previous owner was using an Acurus preamp and driving Klipsch Cornwalls.  In my set up I will be driving Snell E IIs. I'm looking for preamp advice to pair with the Naka and the Snell's.  Much obliged in advance 

George’s concerns are real.  A CD output should be 2v which is enough, but often phono preamps run with less output.  Combine that with a CD that is recorded at a low level or album at a low level and you could run out of volume.  The Freya addresses this with its 12 db of gain in high output (you need 1.4v to get full output from your amp, the Freya can take a source with as little as .35v and  get you full output).  

The problem is the Freya busts your budget and I am one that tries to respect peoples stated budget.  A potential alternative is an Emotiva PT-100 for $299.  Preamp tuner with a built in phono stage and bass and treble controls and a remote from a reputable company.  It is made in China, so doesn’t meet your request of US or Canada made.  While I can’t find a max gain spec for it, it is surely at least 10db.  

As far as your Mac, I believe you will be better off with the above choices.  I think it will cost you more to fix the Mac than replacing it, and while a decent unit in the 70s, is not considered one of their great units.  

I have mentioned this before and I will say it again, buy a Counterpoint SA-3000 preamp and send it to me for an upgrade.  The phono is pretty good for an average preamp and the upgrades will take it to another level for cheap.

Happy Listening.

Bigkidz1- The Counterpoint SA-3000 is an incredible recommendation. Lets look at what original poster said he wanted:

"I would however like to have a built-in phono section and the ability to manually adjust with tone controls. I would prefer to buy an American or Canadian product and would pay up to $500. Im not opposed to a lightly used unit either."

So, breaking it down:

Phono Section- Yep, the SA-3000 has one. So far, so good.

Tone Controls- Oops, nope, the SA-3000 doesn’t haven’t them, but not big deal. I know the OP asked about them, but what does he know?

American or Canadian- Why yes they were, before they filed for bankruptcy in 1996 and went out business.

Less than $500- Well there is one for sale on US Audiomart for $1000 right now. You don’t mention how much you will charge for your upgrade, but I am guessing it is not free, nor the shipping to and from you. Lets say you are the cheapest upgrader in the world and only charge $250 and he can get shipping for both ways for $50. We are now at $1,300. $1,300 is sort of like $500, but hey again, the OP doesn’t know what he wants or needs and its not your budget, so who cares if what you like and suggest costs 2.5x the OPs budget.

Lightly Used- The 3000’s were made in the 80s, so the newest ones are 30 years old. Capacitors and other devices are old, parts may be limited or NLA. I’m not sure that qualifies as lightly used.

On second thought, why, except the fact that you happen to like and modify SA-3000s, would it be an appropriate recommendation for the OP?  I still think it is an incredible recommendation, incredibly bad, the same as someone walking into a Ford dealership saying they have the budget and need for a Taurus and being told by the salesperson they should by a Raptor.  


You are correct.  My bad.  I read the original post and did not look further to see the budget requirement.  The $1000 asking price for a SA-3000 is reasonable but they can be purchased for a lot less depending on seller motivation.  I would not recommend buying one at the $1000 price unless it is all original, mint condition, original box and manual, etc.  So if he could get one for $500 that would be what I would recommend.  The stock unit sounds pretty good as is.  My upgrades can run $200 to $1000 depending on what level of performance a person would want and the parts selection.  V-Caps are not that cheap so that can raise up the price.  I also do not see many preamps with tone controls any more (if any) and with the Counterpoint the sound is so beautiful without that.  Plus sometimes those get in the way of the sound.

So, in summary, if the OP wants the best sound and can up their budget, then by all means, look into my Counterpoint suggestion.  If they only want something that plays music, then get one of the other suggestions.

Happy Listening.

Thank you mcreyn for fielding the suggestion from bigkidz that intuitiveky and pragmatically made absolutely zero sense.  I like idea of the Schiit Freya but I really would like a built in phono and I do need a front facing power switch due to the demands of my physical component setup.  If I took the American and Canadian factors out of the equation and bumped up my budget by $200 what other thoughts do you have?  Thank you to George as well.. 😁