OP the Ifi DSD is a remarkable little guy sonically, it does have a few quirks and isn't Roon ready at the momment but boy does it sound really good.
Audioman, how do you know anything definative about the 2.7 Dac which is a dac and not a streaming dac? As per sound quality vs anything else what you personally like in your system may not translate the same way into other peoples systems. The sound quality of a dac will also depend on how you are feeding it.
Just went to the Matrix audio site and their dacs do seem nice, but it doesn't seem that they are doing anything really different than the excellent Mytek Brooklyn Bridge which is an American company the Matrix are Chinese made, both use the same ESS chip and offer similar features with the Mytek offering Roon compatibility which is a major advantage for some.
As per the Cambridge it is a nice unit but not up to the same sonic standards as the other players listed above.
We used to sell it and the Lumin at $2,300.00 just killed it.
Your top contenders should be in no pariticular order
Mytek Brooklyn Bridge clean detailed, excellent headphone stage, analog inputs, analog volume control, MQA, Roon capable
Lumin D2: a great streamer, warm, full bodied great app, Roon and MQA
Teac we haven't played with this one, so no comment.
Auralic G1 no idea on the level of the dac but Auralic does make excellent products with both MQA and Roon capability.
Personally we love the sound quality of the Ifi DSD it fantastic we use it with a Roon endpoint so not an issue for us for native Roon, but sonically just amazing sounding if you want warm and very three dimensional this little guy throw a gigantic soundstage and is insanly flexibile.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Audioman, how do you know anything definative about the 2.7 Dac which is a dac and not a streaming dac? As per sound quality vs anything else what you personally like in your system may not translate the same way into other peoples systems. The sound quality of a dac will also depend on how you are feeding it.
Just went to the Matrix audio site and their dacs do seem nice, but it doesn't seem that they are doing anything really different than the excellent Mytek Brooklyn Bridge which is an American company the Matrix are Chinese made, both use the same ESS chip and offer similar features with the Mytek offering Roon compatibility which is a major advantage for some.
As per the Cambridge it is a nice unit but not up to the same sonic standards as the other players listed above.
We used to sell it and the Lumin at $2,300.00 just killed it.
Your top contenders should be in no pariticular order
Mytek Brooklyn Bridge clean detailed, excellent headphone stage, analog inputs, analog volume control, MQA, Roon capable
Lumin D2: a great streamer, warm, full bodied great app, Roon and MQA
Teac we haven't played with this one, so no comment.
Auralic G1 no idea on the level of the dac but Auralic does make excellent products with both MQA and Roon capability.
Personally we love the sound quality of the Ifi DSD it fantastic we use it with a Roon endpoint so not an issue for us for native Roon, but sonically just amazing sounding if you want warm and very three dimensional this little guy throw a gigantic soundstage and is insanly flexibile.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ