That’s true, but it might open another bag of worms. In current designs filter leaves about 1% of switching noise on the speaker cable. It is only small percentage but of very high value, reaching 100V - making it approx. 1V peak switching noise on the cable. It can be easily seen with the scope. The only reason why it does not radiate is the fact that 500kHz wavelength is 600m. Antena becomes very ineffective below 1/10 of the wavelength - in this case 60m. There will be still some, very small electromagnetic radiation but it should not be a problem. Increasing switching frequency, let say 10x will make this antena "dangerous" at 6m, producing some radiation even with regular speaker cables. It is possible to filter it better, but it would lower bandwidth resulting in phase shift in audio band, that we want to avoid. Perhaps compromise is somewhere in-between, increasing switching frequency only 2-3x while still enjoying improved linearity thru reduction of dead time.
I can hear that residual noise as a forming of hash and noise around every single transient, micro transient and complex harmonic.
Basically, class d loses the idea of high fidelity as all of high fidelity happens in that exact spot mentioned. the rest of the signal is almost meaningless.
So i spend a lifetime trying to fix that tiny little bit and class D comes along and maims to death the very part I and other in the realm of high fidelity seek and fight for.
This noise can be mistaken by some people as detail, when it is actually noise and out of band, out of time ---- added distortion and noise.
worst of all, in the modern realm of digital audio, A/D and D/ A systems also cause massive disturbance right in this area of signal.
This means you now have an entire generation of people who have NO IDEA how good analog can sound and generally does sound, when this part that digital does wrong, is absent in the signal.
Then, this lack of knowledge and exposure to what analog does right, is then aided and abetted by the hash and junk that Class D adds in on top of that. this whole mess is somehow regarded as muddy and fatiguing ’detail’, where it all sounds the same. Because it is.
this is like some freaking nightmare world. You’re kidding me, right?