If there are a “lot of tiny diodes” in the wire as you suggest how do you explain why they would all be in the same direction?
I don't think I said that they would all be in the same direction. What I said is that even if they are randomly distributed, in term of probability, it is highly unlikely that all these "tiny diodes" would be distributed in such a way that the signal will cancel themselves out.
First I am not an expert in cable manufacturing, but based on what I've read, the way the cables are "drawn" in the manufacturing process, it is possible that these diodes would favor one direction over the other.
Also, I am just trying to get people to discuss. Anyone is certain welcomed to chime in. I am not going to claim I know more about this topic than any others.
In the ordinary world, the one outside of audio, the word directionality has no meaning. It’s strictly an audiophile term.
It is likely that "directionality" if it exists, probably would not affect, says, high speed communication, but we over the years have found out that our hearing is sensitive to things that are difficult to explain and hard to measure ... hence the debate about things such as burn-in and so on.