"Loom" cabling vs. 'mix n match' ?

I want to use a new set of cables for my awesome Moon 780D DAC v2 - - including a power cord, an AES/EBU input from the Moon 260D Transport,  and  RCA IC's (into a Shindo Giscours preamp).  I've read good things about Acrolink-Mexcel, Shunyata, Nordost and Purist among others.  But is there an advantage to using the same manufacturer for all cable types in and out of the Moon ?  Or might the cumulative effect be too much of a good thing which would be better improved by intermingling brands ?
Dr. John
I like to mix and match also.A clean and clear cable between the pre and amp,a slightly sweet cable from dac to pre,and sweet/fast speaker cables.Still experimenting with digital cables.
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Use all Purist for the best sound i use Dominus but the cheaper ones are also great.
Interesting. I thought that going all Nordost route via their "foundation theory" would be the way to go but it seems that to mix and match cables still gets good results. 
They were my thoughts too but as I went up the series, I found I was becoming ever increasingly concerned on the effects on the music on my rig.
I do believe it is all about system synergy though and it is possible I needed to spend even more!

But I am most definitely at a happy place right now and do not feel the urge to pursue that avenue again.