Is rack between speakers always less than ideal?

I am planning a dedicated stereo system around a pair of standmounts but not sure what to do about gear placement. I can either have a tall rack off to the side or a low wide rack in the center. I am leaning toward center rack to avoid long interconnects.

The center rack would be 6 inches behind the plane of the rear of the speaker and would be about 75% of the speaker stand height. Width is approximately from the inside of one speaker to the inside of the other.

I understand that TV's and large objects directly in between the speakers can affect soundstage but what about something not technically between the speakers but slightly behind and below? Would something like this be sonically invisible, or would having "nothing" there be even better?
Thanks for the responses everyone. Forgot to mention I am planning on going with a single ended integrated which means no active pre and no balanced connections. If rack is off to the side, I will have to run cables to each source. Luckily I only have two, but still. I may just end up doing amp stands in the middle and only have the analog setup to the side.
I use a low height and open rack along with amp stands. These sit about 2 feet behind my speakers without any ill effects.The speakers very often just disappear with wall to wall soundstage(depends on the recording) and very fleshed out stable images.
Best of luck. my experience anything between the speakers is bad. In truth, my amp is between my speakers, however, it is close to the floor...not in a rack, and probably doesn't do much harm. It allows me to use short cables to the speakers...something I have found to be a positive.
Yeah, generally, the lower the better though, I think, the equipment might vibrate more because of low frequencies. So I wouldn't put a turntable on an amp stand.
I'd worry more about what's at the first reflection points on the wall behind the speakers (front wall). I can't see much energy being reflected toward the listener from a rack between widely spaced speakers. The first reflection points are going to dominate and should be treated first.