The following may appear to contradict what I said about Modjeski's opinion of OTL's paired with ESL's: Roger is making his own ESL loudspeaker (which includes an 8" woofer for each side; another pair can be added, of course). But dig this: he is also offering it with a direct-drive OTL amp for extra $. "Direct-drive"? The mono OTL for each speaker has no output transformer, of course, but the ESL has no input transformer. The OTL output tubes drive the ESL panels directly!
Modjeski worked for Harold Beveridge, who had Roger redesign the power amps that were integral to his ESL, also direct-drive. So this is not new to Roger, but it sure is unique. It takes a lot of engineering knowhow to pull off, involving the disciplines of power amps, tubes, transformers, ESL design and construction, and extremely high (lethal) voltages. No kids or pets allowed in the room ;-) .