@mijostyn, I’m not sure of the year Strickland and Beveridge each introduced their direct-drive ESL (the first Beveridge ESL, the Model 1, was invented in 1965), but I do know Strickland discontinued his amp and went with a transformer because of reliability problems in the amp. Modjeski says he has repaired a few of them, and found it’s design weaknesses, designing a mod to correct them. One of his services is to rebuild the Acoustat amp, for which owners send him their broken ones. Roger was hired by Beveridge to solve the reliability problem in his direct-drive amp.
Roger worked in an electronic repair shop in high school, and learned how NOT to build an amp. If a circuit calls for a 2w resistor, he uses a 20w. Trouble-free operation is a very high priority for him, in contrast to some more widely-owned high end brands who put other priorities first. When I bought my first ARC electronics, turning on the SP-3 pre-amp for the first time blew a resistor. I couldn't believe it. My dealer (Walter Davies, who co-developed his patented Last Record Care Preservative---which is NOT Freon ;-) put it on his workbench and had it up and running in a coupla minutes). That was a long time ago, and Bill Johnson did eventually learn the lesson he should have known long before (he too started his career as a repair technician). At a seminar I attended in the 1990's, Johnson talked about how a batch of bad parts almost put ARC out of business in the 1980’s.