Anybody upgrade their Zu Omen DWs to Souls?

I'm looking at my options to use the full trade in value of Omen DWs towards something higher in the Zu lineup. From where my finances sit, the model that makes most sense is the Soul. I'm wondering just how and how much different they would be from what I have. It's a little less clear cut since my ODWs have the drivers from the 08 Druids, not the current models. My amplification is a Audio Nirvana 6V6 (12 watts) which drives the ODWs with impunity. My musical taste is diverse.  Thanks for any insight.
I just added a pair of the Zu 10 ohm speaker loading resistors to my set of dirty weekend's. I power them with a Manley I pod Stingray and was never happy with them. The Stingray is set at 5 ohm output and the Zu's at 12 to 14 ohms,  so I figured it was worth a try.  After hooking them up the sound totally changed for the best. They flatted out and softened up a lot. Synergy between amps and speakers is way overlooked. This change in sound was much grater then any tube rolling, cable changing ,room enhancing I have ever done.
Interesting. I had done the same with the 15 ohm resistors but with an NAD C368 driving them. As in your case it softened them a bit but didn't give me what I was looking for. I decided to follow the generally accepted path of lower wattage tubes resulting in a substantial, welcomed change. Your point about synergy between amp and speaker is well taken. I enjoy listening to this combination a lot. I would be just fine leaving it as is if i weren't for the full trade in value offered by Zu. 
I'm not sure exactly, but because the walnut cabinets are already on hand I was told they would be ready to ship in one to two weeks. I'll be optimistic and hope for end of this month.  

However long it takes, it's too long :-)