Why a separate DAC?

Hello, I have a 3 yr old Yamaha CD player with Burr Brown DAC chip. What are the advantages of having a separate DAC? What would you recommend to compliment and upgrade this for under $1,500? Thank you.

Might want to check out the Mirror Audio Tubadour III. $1500. Tube output stage.
If you're looking for a separate DAC, I would echo those that recommend the MHDT Labs Orchid.  I'm listening to mine right now and it is my favorite out of some 10 or so that I have if you count all the CD players, and receivers/integrateds with DACS. 
I would like to thank everyone for their input, for someone who has gone from the solid state to tube experience with multiple amps and is now on the digital journey it looks like I will try to get a 30 day trial for the Mhdt Labs Orchid R2R NOS DAC! Will let everyone know how it works in my system. 
I agree with adg101 - digital is now as good as the best analog. If you want to spend $1,500 for an upgrade - please boost it to $2,000 and buy a LUMIN D2. I have been streaming a LUMIN D1 for over 4 years. I use Tidal HiFi as my source - once MQA encoding came out I am amazed at the sound quality. I control Tidal on my I pad mini and the available music is overwhelming. My Tidal subscription is $25 per month.

i have just upgraded my CD player to a Yamaha CD S2100 - a great improvement on my Marantz UD 7006. I have a large CD collection and it sounds better. The Yahama has a better DAC and great build quality.

please try streaming! LUMIN has mated the DAC to a computer and done all the hard work for you. MQA digital files will amaze!

Happy listening!